Egg Cleansing Technique (Limpia)   312 comments

Since I posted the Egg Spell for Spiritual Defense, I feel it would be good to offer another magickal use for an egg:  Cleansing – also called a Limpia.  (Very useful as part of an Uncrossing!)

NOTE:  If you have paid someone to do a Limpa upon you, or are thinking about having one done, please read this important warning!

NOTE ABOUT READINGS FROM ME:  When I first posted this technique, I was more than happy to offer simple readings for folks who wanted to send me pictures of the results of their limpias.  Since then, this has become the most popular post on my blog, and I have become overwhelmed with requests for readings.  Sadly, this has meant that many of you have asked for readings and not received a reply…  😦

So, I have no choice but to put a bottleneck on the requests.  I will need to charge for a reading (payable by Paypal) – $10 pays fora very basic interpretation of the Limpia results.  You will need to send me pictures of the results (the more the better), and I will offer an interpretation.  If you want a full consultation, it will be $50 (this includes readings, advice, and followups).

However, before you pay for a reading, please read on and check the comments section of this blog.  I have already interpreted many limpias right here, and it is quite likely one of them will cover what you see in your egg.

I have seen this process done by Ocha Ni’Lele, using a live bird instead of an egg.  There was no ceremony to speak of – it was actually an impromptu action taken after a wild bird landed and simply allowed him to pick it up.  Assuming it was a gift from the Gods, he passed the bird over his entire body (making sure to allow/encourage its wings to flap) and then released the bird again.

Sadly, it was assumed the bird would have died.  I suspect it was already headed that way, or it wouldn’t have allowed a human to pick it up.  However, I have to admit I couldn’t bring myself to use a live animal to cleanse myself of negativity in any case.  On the other hand, I have heard of using raw eggs for the same purpose.  I recently saw the subject discussed on a Hoodoo forum, and it inspired me to post my egg material here.

What follows is simply what I learned from Ocha Ni’Lele, replacing the live bird with an egg and some basic Hoodoo technique.

Update 1-13:  As this post is perhaps the most popular one on my blog to date, I have decided to re-format it somewhat to make it easier for folks to perform the egg cleansing properly.  It contains all the same information – most of it mine, some coming from a post I referenced here in the older version of this post (but which I have expanded upon below).

Instructions for Egg Cleansing

-For a cleansing, you want a standard “Grade-A” white egg from the fridge.  It should be cold.

-Also, if you have an established altar for general spiritual work, make sure to power it up for this work.  Light the candles and incense you normally use there.  Have consecrated water on the altar and ready.  (If you don’t know how to make full-fledged Holy Water (such as done in the Solomonic and Wiccan traditions), you can consecrate it by reciting a prayer over it.  Or, you can obtain holy water from a church or from someone else who knows how to make it.)  Finally place pure spring water in a clear glass on the altar – not to be confused with the consecrated water.

If you do not have such an altar, setting up a temporary one for this process is not hard.  Cover a small table with a white cloth.  Place a white candle upon it, and a censor to burn holy incense like Frankincense, “Church” Incense or something Solar.  (Pretty much any incense you find that relates to the Highest Divinity will work.)  Don’t forget the consecrated water and the clear glass of spring water.  Also place your favored holy symbol upon the altar – a Cross or Rosary, a Pentagram, a Goddess Symbol or whatever fits your beliefs.  If you would recite specific prayers or Psalms, have the prayer book or Psalter there as well.

-Then invoke your spiritual patrons and guardians as you would normally do before any magickal work.

-Once the altar and tools are ready, light the candle and incense and pray for Divine help and guidance.  Then get the fresh and cool egg, bring it to the altar, and consecrate it with a prayer while passing it through the smoke of the incense and sprinkling the consecrated water upon it.

-When this is done, take your holy symbol from the altar into your left hand and hold the egg in your right.  (Or vise-verse if you are left-handed.)  Recite Psalm 51 as you perform the following actions:

-Begin at the crown of the head and pass the egg downward over every part of your body.  From the crown to the nape of the neck.  Then downward along either side of the face.  Then downward strokes along the chest and abdomen, down the spine, then from shoulder to fingers on each arm, then downward strokes between the legs in the groin area and finally long downward strokes along the legs to the feet.  Overall, this should appear as if the egg were a bar of soap, and you are using it to wash every part of your body.

Once done, you can break and flush the egg down the toilet, or toss it into a crossroads or river.  Or, you can use the egg as part of a divination to see what kind of astral gunk the egg absorbed from you:

Egg Divination Instructions

The following instructions are quoted from this link.  Also see the comments section of this post as it contains many examples of interpretations I have done for others.

[B]reak the egg into the glass of spring water [*not* the glass of consecrated water!], checking for abnormalities such as color, blood, shape and texture.

Some basic interpretations:

-If the water smells bad with blood present, this is a sign of evil work being done.

-If there are blood spots in the water, this is a sign of bad luck and harm being caused by strong spellwork especially if the water is murky.

-If the water turns murky with no smell or blood, this is a sign of susto (soul loss) as long as there is no blood present.

-If the yolk of the egg has the shape of a face, this is a sign of an enemy. A thin face indicates a male enemy, a round face indicates a female enemy.

-If the yolk is in the shape of an eye, this is a sign of the evil eye.

-If there are small bubbles in the water, this is a sign that the negative energy was absorbed by guardian spirits.

-If the water is clear, with no abnormal shapes, smells or blood, this is a sign that nothing unnatural is happening.

To the above, I would add the following from my own experience:

-If the egg white forms a “mesh” or “webbing” pattern, this indicates something that is entrapping you, holding you back and impeding your peronsal or spiritual progress.

-The egg should sink directly to the bottom of the glass.  If it floats, this is a sign that further cleansing – preferably an Uncrossing – is necessary.  This is also true if only part of the egg floats while the rest sinks – though that indicates a smaller or still-developing problem that you want to rectify right away.

The remaining egg and water would then be disposed of as previously described – down the toilet, etc.  Feel free to share your own results if you give this divination a try.



Posted November 22, 2010 by kheph777 in hoodoo / witchcraft, magick

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312 responses to “Egg Cleansing Technique (Limpia)

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  1. Pingback: Uncrossing and Magickal Defense « Ananael

  2. I had the egg cleansing last week, due to some very rare bad luck happening all at once. I had so many things happen in a matter of hours it was horrible. Needless to say after a few hours of everything in my home breaking for no reason I went to my mother in law and asked her to do the egg cleansing. She did it and the first day the water was YELLOW and had only one point that came to the top of the water. But by the egg there was a whirlwind of a web effect. THen the second day same water YELLOW and more points arose and the web continued. The third day again water YELLOW more point rose and this time I had points at the bottom with a ball(bubble) on top of the points and still the web was there also, but this time the egg was partly cooked also. Each day when converting the egg to the bag to take it to a crossroad the eggs broke before touching the bag or leaving the glass this was rare and never happened before nor to anyone else in the family. I have felt bad energy for a while now, and I know that people are working against my hussband and I. He has had the cleansings before and they showed that we have people doing black magic on us. We know who they would be of course. I have even had a preist come out and bless the house because so much has been passing us. I continue to have bad days but they have gotten better. I keep my faith stong as I can and so does my husband. If you have any suggestions or can give me a better description of what has been happening please email me the info. I want to get to the bottom of this and get rid of the bad energys we have surounding us. So please help if you can! Thank You!


    • Have you done any work toward Uncrossing? I have a blog post here with full instructions for an Uncrossing bath and house cleaning procedure. You may want to try a good solid 7-day process…

      If someone is attacking you, I also have a great mirror spell here that would work quite nicely. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. what happen if the egg falls down and crack while rolling. Thaks


    • That means it has lived out its usefulness – possibly because it absorbed something rather massive. You can inspect the insides as described above, dispose of it and get a fresh egg to re-start the process.


  4. What does it mean if the yolk doesn’t land on the bottom of the glass of water if it stays stuck in the middle of the glass and strings come out from the top and bottom?? I did a cleanse to my baby and that’s what came out :0


    • Greetings, Yazmin! Sorry for the delay.

      When the egg floats, that is bad news. Yours is suspended in the middle, which suggests to me a problem that is probably not immediately obvious to you. Something just below the surface, and perhaps in “stasis” – like something that doesn’t seem to be a problem right now, but any moment could boil over.


  5. What if it was all blood….?


  6. I didn’t see a change in my egg, do I need to do the method again.


  7. Hi i did a egg cleansing and it had a out line of a person on it and another small out line on top of its head of blood what does that mean????? thank you for any info….both out line were of blood.


    Maria harrington
    • Going by that alone, I would suspect that a specific person is casting bad magick your way. Of course more divination should be done to see if that is indeed the case…


      • Hi i have a person i suspect to stop her from harming me? oh and what does webbing mean in and egg cleansing? thk u for all ur help i appreciate it.


      • Yes what wouuld have to do to find out more info on what it means and what is a mirror spell?thks again for ur time and interest on helping us.


    • Hi i would like to know how to do uncrossing?thku again


  8. Hi i have a question about soul loss what does that mean?


    Maria harrington
    • It’s based on an ancient theory that sickness and death is caused by the separation of the soul from the body. Shamans would engage in visionary journeys into the underworld to find and retrieve the soul in order to replace it in its owner and thus heal them.


    • Hi i was wondering what is webbing mean on ur egg?


      • In the past, I have interpreted webbing as an indication that something has “caught” or “entrapped” you. In one case, I was helping someone who was quite mired in their own fears and doubts about a situation, and that state of mind showed up in their egg cleansing as webbing. Once those fears and doubts were overcome, their situation improved considerably.


    • Hi is there a way to find out for sure its the person u think it is that is doing harm or magic?


      • HiI AGAIN MY FRIEND Said that WHEN U DO A EGG CLEANSING U SHOULD PUT IT UNDER UR bed so it keeps abbsorbing more neagative energy from u


      • I would class that in the “very bad idea” category. You’ve just used this object to absorb your sickness and negativity – do you really want to then sleep over it?

        I suspect your friend was confusing the egg cleansing technique with the egg self-defense technique. You can read the egg defense spell here on this blog. Just search the blog for “egg” and you’ll find both techniques. 🙂


  9. what does it mean when there is a skull shape in the egg. I have a photo of it. Never seen this before


    • I’d like to see the photo (

      I would like to know if there was anything else that went along with it – blood, webbing, floating, etc. Without any further context, I would say the skull represents Death. However, *exactly* what that means is not clear without more context. It could be warning you that you are facing a serious illness – in which case get to the doctor for a full check-up ASAP. On the other hand, it could also indicate the involvemnt of the dead – like an ancestor is hanging around you. Also, there is always the Tarot interpretation of “Death” as a major change on the horizon.

      I would look to the first interpretation as the highest priority – just to be safe. (This is a cleansing, so it should have been taking something out of you.) The second interpretation would be next in priority – which possibly means some kind of message is being given to you, that you need to consult your ancestors for more info, etc. (Do you have an ancestor altar?) I actually highly doubt the Tarot interpretation – again because this is a cleansing and not a divination such as you’d get from a Tarot reading…



      • I just had a cleansing done and i opened the napkin and saw a bloody skull with devil horns. It looked like a body part so gross. The Psychic said that I have a very evil curse on me.


    • Ok I just saw the pics you sent. That’s pretty amazing, to be honest. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.

      The yolk is a nice shape. There is no discoloration nor blood. The egg also sank down – with the exception of a few bits of rising stuff that looks like rising smoke. And in the “smoke” is the skull along with a few other bubbles.

      So I would say no evil magick is working against you. And I don’t see any direct indication of sickness. BUT I would still see a doctor as soon as convenient just for a check up to be sure – in case that’s the message you’re being given. The bubbles also indicate that something negative was absorbed into the egg – but the bebbles are few enough that I wouldn’t think there was anything overwhelming. Perform a nice simple cleansing bath and then do the egg cleansing once more.

      Meanwhile, on the face of it, I would suggest you consult with your ancestors for possible messages or warnings they may have for you.


  10. thank you very much for all the info.


  11. hello i have been doing egg cleansing it seems like I’m getting real sick i think because I’m having extreme relationship issues i keep going to different people and they keep charging me a lot to those candles n spells what can i i feel like someone i trying to break my relationshipp apart?


  12. Hi, I have seen small bubbles carrying the tissue around the yolk as if it is carrying it upwards. what does that mean?


    • The bubbles indicate that something was cleansed from you. I think the action you describe is essentially the same thing – probably indicating you should do some cleansing/uncrossing then try the egg cleansing once again.


  13. I had a egg cleansing done, she smashed the egg that I wrapped in a napkin, and it had alot of black in it.. What would you say of this.


    • Sounds like you’ve got some serious issues going on there. I would suggest doing a good uncrossing. (Search this blog for “Uncrossing” for instructions.) I would do a three-day uncrossing, then try the egg cleansing again to see what comes up.


  14. did another egg cleansing today and there where so many bubbles. I couldn’t count them. the yolk was incased in the egg white. The top of it had lots of bubbles atached to small strings centermeters from it, then about 10 plus atached to longer ones. The bubbles looked like silver beads.


    • Very good! I assume you did this after an uncrossing or other process of cleansing/purification? All the bubbles do indicate that the egg scrubed a bunch of stuff out of you, but at least the black is absent – so good progress. Maybe try another cleansing bath (just one this time), then another egg to see how it looks.


  15. I was doing a limpia on a friend and as I was getting down to her feet the egg broke what does it mean?


    • Sorry I didn’t get to this earlier. It basically means there was something farily major that needed released from your friend – a blockage bad enough to crack the egg. What you should do is immediately wash your hands – holding them under the running water for a couple of minutes. The person getting the reading should immediately do a cleansing bath, then repeat the limpia.


      • So does that mean someone has done something to her? What kind of bath? What would be needed thank you so much


      • It is not, in and of itself, an indication that someone else is doing something to her. But it does indicate that something was amiss – which could be something someone else has cast or just something within her, etc.

        Cleansing baths can be found easily enough with Google. Or you can use one I outline on this blog: search for “uncrossing” or (as an alternative and very powerful cleansing bath) search for “solomonic bath.”


      • Thank you so much for your help


  16. what do you mean by evil eye?


  17. hi i did a cleansing with the egg to my husband and the yolk came broken all weird i vidio record it i would like to know what it means. thank you


  18. my mother in law did my egg and it floated and their was a thick white circle around the yolk,there was a few tall points but reminded me of a net, and small bubbles. the egg white was really thick.


    • Can you email me a picture of this egg? Otherwise, based on your description, it sounds like definitely had some negativity that needed cleansed. You might even have a particular issue that is “hemming you in” or holding you back. Repeat the cleansing and tell (or show) me what you get. If more bubbles and netting shows up, you’ll want to perform an uncrossing bath then try the cleansing a third time. If there are still problems shown by the egg after that, you’ll want to take more direct action.


  19. Hi I did an egg cleansing last night , but I felt very week after …. I felt like the egg looked very normal but noticed a white line across the yolk and also noticed 3 long strands and 1 half strand can u please tell me what this means I took a pic 2 send u … Thank u so much
    Love & light


    • Greetings! I have answered you in email, since you sent me pictures of the egg. But, in general, I think your egg looked pretty good. It cleansed some stuff out of you, and might have resulted in your symptoms afterward. But nothing about it sounds like there is any major problem. In the email, I suggested you perform some yoga/stretching for a week or so to mobilize and expel any toxin build-up you may have in your body.


  20. thank you i will ask to her to do it again and take a picture this time


  21. Can you do a non direct cleansing such as placing an egg under the bed for work? Or cleansing certain parts of the body only, like over the stomach only or cleansing inanimate objects such as a car? Thank you for your information!


    • Greetings!

      This kind of method isn’t suitable for indirect cleansings. Here on this blog I have shared an “egg defense spell” where you can place the egg under your bed. But it doesn’t cleanse you. You CAN use the egg to cleanse a specific part of the body, though.

      As for cleansing inanimate objects with it – that’s actually a good question. I wouldn’t think it would be very effective. For inanimate objects you’d want to use water as the medium. Either plain water for a simple cleansing, or you can use herbally infused or holy waters – in either case you would use prayers of consecration along with it.


      • Thanks so much for the info, now I have another question for you. About 7 months ago I stopped dreaming, and my psychic visions just stopped. About a month after that I kept smelling bleach and my eyes kept burning. Nothing physical anywhere in my house was there bleach as I don’t use it because we are on a septic system. What kind of spell work uses bleach to blind someone and affect the memory? I have had every medical test known to man nothing to explain my symptoms. Any help would be appreciated.


  22. hi. my mom just did it to me…and the 1st time she told me that a lot of hatered is in my way..i did it again my mom said the white is the bad shit…but we both noticed that there was a circle in the middle of the egg that moved and never went away my mom said she couldnt focus on the thing when she was doing it and she felt weird idk i wanna know what that middle circle thing is its small and its in the egg..idk i just wanna know waht it means


  23. Hi, greetings, i would like to know if i just finished the egg cleansing my egg has a line on just one side of it. But i will send a photo to you so you can take a look and give me more details maybe? THank you so much!!!


  24. Hi I did the egg cleansing (limpia) last night because I felt sick, tired, alot of anxiety, and I felt a heavyness on my chest. and put the egg in water along with holy water I put 3 crosses made of tooth pick, but my egg went sank down to the bottom and it did have a few bubbles that floated to the top but what concerned me was why it was almost all covered with the white you could barely see the yolk?


    • The egg should sink, that is a good thing. From what you describe, whatever was causing the negative feelings and “heaviness” was caught by the egg. It was thick enough to obscure the egg yolk. How did you feel afterward?










    THERE WHAT COULD THAT BE? I did take picture of it I also see a lot of bubbles in the water & on the egg?


    • Both bubbles and red spots indicate something the egg cleaned out of you. Red spots are near the top of the list of negative signs – I would suggest seeing a doctor for a general check up, as well as undertaking an Uncrossing process. If there is any reason to believe an attack is coming from an outside source, there is also the egg defense spell and the mirror spell on this blog that would help.


      • Thank you so much I also cleansed my 10 month old and her egg yoke also has the red spots. Is this somethinB I should worry about?


      • Make sure the baby is getting regular medical check ups. I would then suggest you take an Uncrossing bath for at least three days. Then clean out and seal your house. Finally, perform another egg cleansing on yourself and see if the red spots are gone. You can then do one for the baby and see how it looks for her.


      • Thank you so much, the baby is up to date with 3 doctors that have to check her a little more often then it should be. I’ve been feeling very anxious, body aches, sleeplessness.I want to get better for my 2 babies. I appreciate that you are taking the time to read our comments and helping!


  26. Hi… my mother just did a cleansing and once she put it into the glass, on the left side of the yolk there was two bubbles (oval) the water was clear and no smell it had a few pearls on top of the cup with the white drapes coming down. This is the first time I do this pls help me to figure out what’s happening…


    • It sounds like the egg did cleanse something from you. But overall it doesn’t sound too bad. Try taking a ritual cleansing bath, then repeat the egg cleansing to see if it comes out the second time without the bubbles or the two pearls.


  27. what does it mean ifthere is a web right above yolk i have pictures of it from first time i cleansed until last now the water is clear & white is on the bottom near yolk.


  28. Hi, what does it mean if the egg turns cloudy white?Thanks


  29. aaron ~had my daughter to a cleansing because of some things in her life. everything looked ok except the water turned yellow. ( the yolk did not break)


    • My first thought here is that she might have a medical problem brewing. Have her get a general check up, and look into any ailments she is currently dealing with…


  30. ok so bad things have been happening to me. and I have a bad feeling about it. but now its affecting my oldest daughter. I know someone is doing this to us. I cant explain it.i feel like I want to take a shower because I feel heavy or dirty. like I want to shake or rub off what is on me but of course there is nothing on me but my clothes.also this has happened once before and I had a dream of the person or girl I believe is doing this to me and my daughter or she came to my dream. now I had a dream about her again and then shit start hitting the fan but so far it has to do with money.lots of money not 20 dollars or even a couple hundred dollars. this is thousands of dollars. anyways. I did the egg cleaning on myself. my eggs have always come out fine. this time when I put the egg in the water the clear stuff went to the bottom( was very murky) my yolk was surrounded by thick murkiness too but with bubbles in the yolk. many of them in fact. then there was many bubbles outside the yolk but stayed in the middle of the glass, also a lot of the murkiness that was in the middle was in a web like way but then turned white real quick almost like those parts were cooked. plus a big bubble the size of a pea is coming out of the yolk but not all the way to the top. kind of like it wants to come out of the yolk but the murkiness around the yolk has it trapped the bubble with it. plus a couple of bubbles that have strands on it but didnt make it to the top of the glass. what do the bubbles mean. when opening the egg, I had trouble getting all the egg in the glass because of all the bubbles inside the shell as if we mixed it. please if you have any information on this I would like to know and would be greatful. I have a picture of it if you would like to see it. also should I be doing this to my baby too?


    • There is no harm in dong the egg cleansing for your daughter as well. Also, I strongly suggest you search this blog for “uncrossing” and follow the instructions for an uncrossing process. I would do it for *at least* three days, but in your case it might be good to do it for seven days in a row. Then repeat the egg cleansing and see what you get.

      I also suggest you search this blog for “mirror defense spell” and put that to use – I would say three days into the uncrossing process.


      • thank you for you help but just one more thing. this mirror defense spell, what does it do exactly? I know who is doing this to me and although I never liked the person. I would never want someone to get hurt or anything bad to come to them. God would not be too happy with me if I went and did the same thing back to her. If it does, is there something else I could do instead. besides pray for her?


      • The mirror spell is purely defensive. It merely reflects anything negative sent at you and reflects it back at the sender. It’ll thump them hard enough, but not because of anything you personally sent at them.


      • ok. hope your right. I still feel like I don’t want to do that but only because in my head I am saying that if I do this mirror spell and something happens it is my fault. although I did see a egg spell that can take whatever is coming my way and take the hit itself. I just don’t want her to get hurt. I just found out she is pregnant. baby’s are innocent and pure. I could never live with myself if something happened.


      • Ok well if you do feel that way about the situation, then by all means use the Egg Defense spell I give elsewhere on the blog. It won’t stop her attack, but it will divert at least some of the negative energy off of yourself.


      • is there a defense bath I can do instead?? can I make one myself with things from home and if I can what? if you don’t mind I would like to give myself and children one. thank you and have a good day/night.


      • In that case I would perform the Uncrossing Bath as instructed – but instead of the nine herbs I list there, use Fiery Wall of Protection powder or oil instead. And use Psalms that speak of Divine protection (several on the uncrossing page will work, or find others that suit you better). As for the Fiery Wall of Protection powder or oil, you can get it from any botanica, or at this link:

        That link even has another Fiery Wall of Protection spell you can try.


  31. holly crap. I just went back to my egg.. and i think i see a eye almost in the middle of the egg or a face!!!! but i diff see a eye. i just cant tell if its just that or if its part of the face. but if it is face it looks like its wearing a mask . cccrrraaazzzyyyy


  32. A limpia was performed on my husband yesterday. When we got down to his feet (left) the egg “jumped” from my hands and cracked. We put it in water in a clear glass. There were two pearls that had drapes attached to the egg. One of the pearls/drapes was bigger than the other. The water was clear, no order. I’m concerned or rather more curious about the yolk it self. It had this whitish coating over it to where you couldnt see the yolk (looking down).


  33. egg turn black after a cleanse


    • That’s not good at all… I would visit a doctor for a general check-up. Also perform an uncrossing process for at least seven days – and use the Psalms meant for breaking a curse. (Also follow the instructions concerning looking for a trick that may have been left on your property or brought into the home, and perform the full house cleaning.) Then do the egg cleansing again and see what results you get.


  34. my egg has like a whit dot in the middle yellow yolk and piece of the shell fell on it and alot of webbing and a bubble my husband litterally left me we are an older ccouple what shall i do


    • Could you email a picture of the egg to me? I’m not entirely sure about the white spot in the middle of the yolk. Bubbles indicate impurities/negative energies that were entrapped by the egg during your cleansing. The webbing, in my experience, generally indicates something that has you snarred. Though I don’t have much to go on, what you say indicates that your past is the “web” holding you back. What you need is something that will mark a transition for you, from your old life to the new. Even though you say you are older, there is NO age that makes you too old to begin a new journey.


  35. st need to know your email i did a limpia today and the egg yolk broke at the edge i was so going crazy all day bubble and a letter


  36. Namaste, I just performed an extensive egg cleansing ritual. The egg yolk was perfectly suspended in the middle of the glass of blessed water. The egg white was lightly fogged & encased the yolk. There were 3 solid lightning bolt shaped shoots extending out from very near the yolk. As I do not have access to a bathtub, I then performed a cleansing shower ritual. How soon &/or should I perform another egg cleansing? This was my first experience with both cleansings. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


  37. I wish that I had taken a photo. I neglected to mention that the yolk was perfectly round. In it’s entirety the yolk & white looked like an eyeball looking back at me with 3 distict white veins coming out of the yolk extending through the lightly fogged white.


  38. Hi. I just finished doing an egg cleansing a few minutes ago. But the woman smashed the egg under the napkins and It looked like a tiny dead baby yellow bird. Buf now reading this it may have been yellow webbing with a bunch of holes or bubbles through it. As soon as she saw it she got scared and said I had to give her money to bury it so the curse is released from me. What exactly does that mean? Does it need to be burried or can I do something different that doesn’t require me to shell out money that I don’t have?


    • I didn’t even see the yolk. She smashed it and I.saw a glance at the yellow thing then she quickly covered it.


      • Greetings!

        Actually the woman doing that was almost certainly a scam artist. Ususally they will put a dead baby bird in the yolk via slight-of-hand. But in your case you just a “quick glace” then had to take her word for it – and hand over your money. Do yourself a favour and stay away from deals like that. 😉


  39. Hi there,

    I performed an egg cleansing on myself and husband who have been experiencing very bad luck for about five months. I deeply feel as if I’ll will or La Sal has been wished on me. I am half Mexican and my father who is fully Mexican had a big fall out earlier this year. He can be a very angry and vengeful person.

    Long story short I performed the cleansing. My husbands egg looked mostly clean apart from a bubble.

    But mine, I should gave taken a photo. It looked like castles, full of bubbles big and small. It reminded me of chrystal castles, long and tall webs with so many bubbles I couldn’t count them.

    The other odd thing was the detached white globs that looked like little tadpoles that actually seemed like they were swimming. I think there were two, they reminded me of little ghosts and very much tadpole like, detached from everything else.

    There were also large bubbles at the surface and a small blood clot, not too bloody but definitely there.

    The egg yolk was rich and perfectly rounded, it did sit at the bottom.

    The whit webbing almost looked like it was climbing? It really looked like a city.

    What doc you gauge from that? What should I do? Thank you for your help and advice.


    • For starters, I would have a medical check up, just to make sure things are ok with you physically. I would also perform an Uncrossing for no less than three days. (Search this blog for “uncrossing.” Follow the given instructions, using the Psalms intended to remove curses.)

      I would also recommend you use some defensive measures. There is a spell here that uses an egg (search for “egg defense”) that might work well for you. But if you honestly feel this is coming from your father, then use the Mirror Defense spell (search “mirror defense”), and that will knock back anything he’s sent at you.


  40. I did an egg cleanse and it sank to the bottom and idk I’d the egg was spoiled but I cracked it into the water and the yolk was a lil broken but it cooked I guess and formed a face a round face and looked like a woman face wit webbing and bubble floating above it! Wat does that mean


  41. Hi, I did 3 egg cleansing rituals. The first time there was an eye and a few bubbles attached to white stems but the yolk was clear. The second time it was relatively clear with only a few white stems. Today I did another one and the eye shape was back . A separate big circle was also formed with the white of the circle.This concerned me because it’s only a day later.


  42. hi just read your blog very nice …just got done doing the egg cleansing …. what appear to be like an dot eye in the middle of the yoke … and few small tiny bubbles on white single white string … those this mean anything ? i have read some of the responds and coment on your page …..and nice i was woondering what are this signs ? i wanted to have a positive result … i will try to do it again to tomorrow … thanks il wait for your reply hope you can help me thanks lot .


    • The bubbles generally indicate that some muck was cleaned out of you by the egg. The eye in the yolk is a bit more of a problem. Traditionally it represents the “evil eye” – meaning that someone (either deliberately or unconsciously) has been sending negative energy your way.


  43. after doing the egg cleansing i left it over night ….. were you suppose to flash in the toilet right away ? or is it bad leaving it over night ?


  44. thank for your reply ….. thank so much ……. i will try to do it again latter on today ……….after doing it for the second time around if the result are still the same …. will this get rid off the negative energy completly ? how would i know that it wont bother me or harass me again ….. what would be the best way to get rid of it completly ? thanks


    • The egg cleansing (limpia) is a good start – though if it keeps showing problems then I always recommend the Uncrossing process. It’s a deeper cleansing used for various purposes.

      As for the negative energy – you’d first want to divine where it’s coming from if you can. then you’d have a better idea how to dispel it. Either the mirror spell or the egg defense spell, or a curse removal, etc. Depends on the circumstances.


  45. how many times can you do the egg cleansing ? and how would i know whos sending the negative towards me ? i only have a few gut feeling instic would be my uncle second would be a few people that i know ….i try doing the egg defends i did what it say but i can still feel the impact ….


    • I would do just one egg cleansing and divination, followed by an uncrossing process, then another egg cleansing to see how it came out. Anything more is overkill.

      As for knowing how is sending the negativity – you would want to have someone do a divination for you. Ask if it is the person who you think it is, then ask about the next candidate, etc. Plus, you can do the Mirror Spell on the person you think is most likely and see if it puts a stop to it. If not, you got the wrong target and can try again.

      Also, if you do all of this – the cleansing, the uncrossing, the egg defense and even a mirror spell and nothing changes, then it means that the problem is coming from within you and not from an outside source.


  46. i try doing the egg cleansing ones more … and this time i dint see no eye … but the watter is not very clear there is no string or whats so ever …. what is this mean ?


  47. I am familiar with the egg cleansing, from growing up in East. Europe. …so tonight I decided to use it ..After I was done cleansing, i broke the shell into the water , the yoke was almost down to bottom , surrounded by ” clouds ” of white and than , three strands with the bubbles on top to the surface . the rest water was clear . No smell . no face, no black dots . I took pics..were should I send them to ? thank you


  48. ok thank you . 🙂 .my e-mail is


  49. I had a egg cleanse done today an baby snakes came out I love my god but really need to know what this mean


    • Let me guess – you paid someone to do it for you. And when the snakes came out they informed you that you were cursed and they could remove it for you, but it was *very* expenseive. Am I close? If so, that person was a fraud, and used slight-of-hand to make it appear snakes were in the egg in order to frighten you into paying big cash to have a “curse” removed.


      • You’re right she showed did 3000 an said that she could only remove 2 that there was another an someone paid 3000 to put roots on me an i have to pay the ssme to have it remove I never seen anything like that before no lie she did get me for 125 but no more what should i do


      • Hi. Today a phychic did the egg breaks with my feet and as she scrambled through the yoke baby snakes appeared. I read a 2013 post of this happening to someone else. Is this a fraud? How do I keep her from hurting me if I don’t pay?


      • Just walk away. She’s a fraud. She’ll threaten you and then move on to the next mark. If you feel attacked, just do the Mirror Defense Spell posted here on this blog.


  50. what does it mean if the yolk breaks when it touched the water


  51. Pingback: Magickal Super Powers | Ananael (The Secrets of Wisdom)

  52. Super post. I will add that for almost guaranteed effective operation and result, the person to be cleansed needs to truly repent and pray psalm 51 with a salt mix in water and 3 drops of hyssop oil in the water and use it to bath thereafter. It is essential to avoid spirit polluting actions and thoughts thereafter because “evil will always attract evil” and vice versa.
    Messing with the egg after the cleansing should only be done by an experienced spiritual person with full protective spiritual anti-bullet vest since the evil spirits removed from the victim will not take kindly to being made suddenly homeless and will attempt to re-enter the victim. It is thereforebetter to just dispose off the contaminated eggs in a river and and turn back immediately without looking back until the victim is home.


    Michael Emmanuel Nwafor
  53. Hi, does the color of the egg matter? i usually purchase brown eggs, for this cleanse should i buy white eggs?



    • Traditionally white eggs are used – likely because white is the color of purity. I don’t know if there is anything specifically wrong with using a brown egg. But I always use white.


      • I agree with you Aaron. White fresh egg but brown fresh egg is not far behind. The naked truth of cleansing does not violate the universal laws of creation. A kingdom divided against itself. If a person with negative energy cleanses you with an egg, it is highly possible that the egg will absorb some of the negative energy in the hand holding it. That will give a negative feedback. So my advise to all persons is do it yourself if the purity of whoever will do the cleansing cannot be reasonably guaranteed. However, make sure the egg is fresh. Very important. Whenever I have to do spiritual work I as a matter of routine separate myself to purge myself of all impurities so as not to make matters worse for anyone I may be wanting to assist.


        Michael Emmanuel Nwafor
  54. I’ve been doing the cleansing every friday usually get the mess of webs this friday I did the cleansing and the egg yolk was partially cooked what does that mean????


    • Cooked egg? Not a good sign if you ask me but over to you Aaron.

      Are you sure the egg was fresh and uncooked?


      Michael Emmanuel Nwafor
      • Hi,michael.i want to connect with can i reach u?


      • Ok Rita. Got no issues with you reaching me but this is Aaron’s blog and I am not sure of the rules for contacts. I will put it on here and leave Aaron to decide if he wants you to see it. Rules are rules. Mikenwafor at yahoo dot com


        Michael Emmanuel Nwafor
  55. What does it mean if the yellow part has white spot & white stuff comes out ←●→ then it has another white dot but nothing comes out thru that one. Around the yellow part it looks like a web surronding it. Wish I could upload a pic so ya can see…..


  56. Hi I just did an egg cleansing and I am pretty sure there is an eye in it, can I send you a pic for verification??


  57. what about if the egg was oval shaped and it looked as if it was hard, wrapped with a white layer and ends were sealed. one big egg on top of water and like spired web acrossed it?


    mariana valenzuela
  58. I Cleansed my self for the first time.usually I have some els do it.. But this time it was me. As I cleansed my self I prayed so hard! And did crosses all over me..from head to toe. As I placed the egg in a glass of water(holy)water then cracked it. So the egg went to the bottom and it look to like it had 3 bubble eyes and web of the bottom of egg! Plus it smelled so bad!! Anyways flushed it down the toilet and dropped the seat down.. Can you please tell me why it looked like that and smelled really bad! & yes! I know I have someone working on me I see it in my dreams and I feel it every time I go by this person! It’s crazy how people can hate someone so bad! Please help. Thanks


    • If you are sure the egg was originally fresh then you are obviously under some evil eye and you have taken some spiritual bullets. A full 7 days of spiritual cleansing is advised. Simple bathing with river or ocean water or salt water with hyssop oil will do. Psalm 51 personalised will be great. Pray and ask God for mercy. Next clean out your home of all junks and dirt. Evil spirits like dirty places.


      Michael Emmanuel Nwafor
  59. I did an egg cleansing today I feel better. There were 2 bubbles that look like blobs or balloons what does that mean?


  60. Hi there,
    I got a cleansing done today by a psychic. I rub my body with it while repeating what she said. At the end the egg was cracked and it had hair and blood… It looked like my own hair when I wash my hair, it was really freaky. The weird part is that she did not used a cup filled with water, she put a napkin on a plate and cracked the egg. IDK I am just confuse on whether she did that in order for further cleansing or if it is truth. Is it possible to have hair and blood in the egg?


  61. I got cleansed with an egg and when it was cracked there was a small black fetus shaped thing inside. What does that mean? Have you ever seen anything like that? I didnt know the lady who did the cleans I meet here at a store and she randomly came up to me! Was I victimized of fooled to believe it was real. It was murky cloudy with a dark small fetus shape thing. She didn’t charge me just asked me to give here a donation?!? I felt sad or fooled after, comfused. She told me it was the bad spell or work that someone has put on me. Please let me know it it makes since to you.


  62. Did a cleansing on my oldest daughter the other day, after I realized that she was losing so much hair! The egg literally exploded in my hand after the 3rd our father, and the inside was like water dripping down and shell turned to almost dust. I repeated the cleansing and flushed the egg down the toilet without trying to read it. Days later after reading your post I did another cleansing to try and read the egg. As I cracked the egg, the clear part burst upward,and the egg yolk looked like it was cooked, (stiff)-She is a sensitive kid and feels heavy energies when they are around her. I hope I got the negative energies, but after the cleaning my heart was racing and I was out of breath. My neck was hurting, and headache followed. I did a cleansing on myself, (first time ever) and the yolk was broken as it came out of the shell. The otter layer of the yolk created lines in all directions, and there were 2 fat bubbles around, one very large. What does this mean? Also, before I cleansed my oldest daughter I cleansed my youngest daughter and when I cracked her egg, it had a huge thick umbilical cord that was knotted. Like a twist and it was thick and white, and the clear looked kinda of yellow, I would appreciate any info. Thank you very much. I have never done cleanses before, but I felt (sensed) that is was necessary. I learned from my grandmother, and now that she is gone, I feel she is guiding me to have the gift to cleanse, and like her I am doing it with lots of faith and with the divine power of God. Thank you in advance for your time, I am worried about my girls, and I am not feeling very well. Am I too weak to handle this. Please advise.


  63. hi i did egg cleansning on me tonight and it was first time so i have no experience but i took some pictures would you help me please?
    thank you


  64. Hey , I did a egg limpia and my egg had three very small red dots forming a perfect triangle , and around the egg or water was like a fog. I’m very interested on what that means?? Thank you for your help.


  65. How do u do a bath cleansing plz and thank:)


  66. Hello
    Well here goes I have never written on a blog before, anyway here goes.
    My story begins like this I frequently habe seen doctors for my issues of panic attacks,anxiety, heartpalps,dizziness overall not feeling myself
    I have been to someone dir a reading and I was told I had the devil at my dinner table at one time. My first thought was a relative go figure that once I go see this relative after a long time and this person seemed lost and strange to me I soon started getting all these symptoms to the highest extent. I can’t work.I can’t go out and every specialist I see says everything is normal.
    Please help
    Thanks in advance


    • Before you do *anything* else, get a copy of Prometheus Rising by R.A. Wilson. Read it and follow the exercises. THEN you’ll be in a better position to seek a spiritual solution.


  67. Hi I have limpia done by a psychic, he smashed the egg on a plastic bag instead of in a glass of water. First time it had black hair in it and second time it had worms in it. What does that mean? Am I being scammed? =(


    • In my experience, nearly anytime you have a limpia done and the reader “finds” a foreign object in the egg, it’s a scam. At most you might find a fetal chicken or some blood. But hair, worms, black goop, green goop, bones, other animals, excessive blood, etc, etc, etc are all sleight of hand scams. Don’t fall for it!


  68. ok my name is susie i had a cleanse done on me and i need to no wat this means there is a white peel lifted from egg yolk and a couple lines goin up and down in water can u help me


  69. Hii. Is this blog still open. If yes i have a question about my egg


  70. Hii! (: is this blog still open if yes I have a a question I would like to ask please.


  71. What does it mean if the egg breaks a few seconds into the cleaning ?


  72. My egg went to the bottom, then little bubbles floated. After that i noticed a lot of webbing in the egg white.
    what does this mean?


  73. Hi i did the egg cleaninsing. The yolk sank to the bottom, however one strand of the egg yolk floated to the top, still attached to the egg yolk. What does that mean? Also is their such thing as doing an uncrossing to get married. I believe I was crossed to never get married. I firmly believe by someone.


  74. what it mean when york breaks a little when touch the water


  75. Pingback: A Warning about Limpias (Egg Cleansings) | Ananael (The Secrets of Wisdom)

  76. my egg went to bottom and had bubbles and it was like the white of the egg made a straight line across the egg what does that mean?


  77. I had a cleaning done and it gad black lik oil in it what does that mean. Can they be trying to get money fron me i have a picture


  78. Hi,

    My girlfriend did a cleansing on me last night and my results are as follows.

    There were three white spots on the yolk and one white line going through one side of the yolk. There were two small white strings extending to the top if the glass and over the course of a few minutes a serious spiderweb like formation was formed around the yolk. Unfortunately, I’ve already flushed it and didn’t get a chance to take photos. How would you interpret this?

    Thank you much


  79. Hello, I recently had an egg cleanse and I’m not so sure how to read it. It had lots of white strands around the yolk, just one bubble floating, but it had lots of small holes in the yolk. It you can help thanks!


  80. Today I did myself a egg cleansing to me looks like yolk is in half but with a piece hanging like a nose or some other body part but on bottom its the same what could this mean?


  81. Hi i always cleanse myself lately i haven’t done it for awhile and im having horrible relationship issues we were awesome together all of a sudden he started changing and always looking at his phone then now he wont even talk to me and his family acts like they dont know me and we are still together when i cracked my egg its in the shape of an eye and has like a muggy shield around it has one little string from the middle of yolk and one big one on the side with six points and at the top of the glass its all white ive been crying so much and my heart hurts and he tells me he loves me then tells me to fuck off all the time


  82. I don’t know if anyone will respond, but my mom did a cleansing on me last night and I’m unsure of what it means if two yolks come out of an egg with white spots on it?


  83. Hi, I had an egg cleansing done, and the egg had a white line across it with a white cloud in the water. What meaning does this have?


  84. What it you place the egg in a glass of water and you set the glass down on a table and the glass shatters/explodes? Just curious on this nature


  85. i was wondering about the egg cleansing i had one done ….what does it mean when the egg is all scrambled and she pours it all over ur head?


  86. What does it mean when the egg is boiled, cloudy with bubbles and shape like a crown?


  87. What does it mean when blood comes out on a egg. It has never happened to me before. I rubbed my daughter with a egg and blood came out. Please let me know. Thank you.


  88. Hi,

    You are so cool for posting good info on this website thanx!. Im half greek/israeli and the believe in such stuff so i gave it a go! I did felt very clear and good so i guess it worked? IIm wondering if you can explain the strings? It also look like in the web you can see a weird men with a beard? Its not someone i know….i guess a bad spirit or so? Its also like yo u can see the letter A end also the letter N connected in the web. Its not clear in the pictures but there are a lot of bubbles connected to top of the strings.Iknow the bubbles are guardian angels that absorbed the bad so thats good! Whats also weird is that on top of the glas (the beginning of the water) you see a small piece egg white floating and also a small piece egg white with grey dirty water(perhaps thats just dust). ANyway the top of the glass and water its kind of murky but just a small piece. There is also a small piece of egg white disconnected and floats in the middle which u cant see in the pictre. Can you please explain what u see with my egg. Dont worry about the top of the glass because thats just a shadow the water is clear in real life! The white above the egg yolk is true and not shadow. I apologize that you also the the reflection of the screen in the egg. Check the pictures out on the links http://


  89. Please email me in case i forgot to check out your site for a reply


  90. Hi its me again Aaron can you please remove the pictures after you saw them? Because its private and just for me and you.


  91. Don’t believe in the Bible. Could I still perform the limpia cleaning? Would it work on me?


  92. I’m not sure how to go about this but i was just wondering what does it mean when there’s a baby in the egg during the first limpia but then it was further away during the second


  93. Hi, I had a limpia done, and by the time she craked the egg, the yolk was already broken into 3 pieces, but it did sink and the water was clear.


  94. How do u get out entrapping u or holding u back and impeding your personal or Spiritual progress?


  95. This lady smashed the eggs inside a white shirt, and worms with ashes looking stuff came out, what does that mean


  96. Do you read tarot cards? Or phone calls?


  97. What should i do with the things that the lady told me to do? Like the rice with quarters or the candle she told me to light for an hour and no more and the little bag that she told me to write my name on it and have it in my purse? Inside it has dirt dollars bills cut into pieces and some charms and rice?


  98. My boyfriend feels creeped out and he even feels or imagines what if someone is watching us? Im afraid to be in my house. It doesnt feel tge same anymore … i feel worried and afraid should i throw away everything tht woman gave me?


  99. I did the egg cleansing and there was a big white dot on yoke, big white ball on side of yoke, a lot of bubbles w/webbing. The white on the bottom also had white webbing


    • Mine was the same way! I saw it threw the side tho.. are u supposed to look straight down! Mine had a ball right in the middle of the yolk


  100. Hi, what happens when you see an eye like the form of an eye when you put the egg inside the container? What does that mean?


  101. Hello, I did this on my sister and when I cracked the egg and put it in the water white smoke came out. I have no idea what it means. She had only a little bit of webbing when it went in the water but that smoke that came out when I cracked it open really freaked us out!


  102. Hi

    What does it mean if there are things inside the egg when you crack it?

    My boyfriend has a lot of problems including enxiaty and depression as well as health issues when the egg was broken there was 2 entwined silver rings inside it, it has the both of us really freaked out, what does that mean?


    • It means the person doing the reading used sleight-of-hand to put the rings into the egg. There is a way to actually put the rings into the eggshell before it is cracked, and there are also ways to simply palm the rings and make it *appear* they are being taken out of the egg. Either way, it is fake.


  103. My mom cracked an egg in a cup with water underneath my step dads bed and by the ninth day under the bed the egg disappeared what can this possibly be???


    Vanessa Santiago
  104. What if it looks like a human as if it were mountain climbing at the top and a sort of spiral near it leading to the top as a cloud?


  105. I cleaned my son he’s only 3mnths and 2wks i cleaned him w an egg and he fell aslp quick right after…He’s egg had a thick line going up and in the bottom of the glass was bright yellow and had bubbles on yolk… What does that mean?


  106. Hi Aaron,
    Recently I just did an egg cleansing myself after reading your blog. First time, I saw a mini egg yolk (small yellow bubble) attached to the main yolk with a blood spot next to the main yolk. So I did another egg cleansing and the 2nd time there was no more blood spot just the yolk again with a mini yolk (this time much bigger) attached to it. What does it mean to see a tiny yolk (yellow bubble) attached to the main yolk? Thanks.
    Blissful greetings!


  107. My dad did a egg cleansing and afterwards he left it alone and he came back and the egg was covered up again like it went back into a shell what does this mean?


  108. I did a cleansing on my son the egg had a the web’s and sunk straight to the bottom rt. Away in the glass was two very destinctive bubbles flowing up to the top the longer I observed the egg after the cleansing the more I was intreged by then the yolk had a white shape as if it were cooked the white on the yolk looked Like a Angel it’s hard to put into words. I got chills and felt a since of relief… The web’s and stringy appreance around the yolk was in the shape of a halo. I also noticed it had an odd shape like a lemon on the opposite side. it’s a normal shape on the other end but has a white cloud that is in the shape of an eye. What does this mean this?


  109. Hello guys I need serious help my girlfriend ended up going to a shaman with a guy she cheated on me that he suggested ….well she got this red ablite a red and black bracelet and 12 muchos oil he also talked about raw eggs she threw in a cross road and something about coconuts crazy things had happened since please help before it a to late


  110. My bf had this done when cracked into glass of water the yoke turned into perfect upside down heart that looked like it was twisted at the point. N then broke . And as we was in wow of what we seen we looked at my bf and his face had transformed evil n his ears grew tall n pointy


  111. I did the egg on myself n when I cracked it looked like a lil babe attach to my yoke so I looked up the weeks of the lil fetus it looked exactly like a 8 week fetus


  112. $50 for a reading?! Im sorry but that is ridiculous!


    • I used to charge less for just a reading, but I didn’t feel it was fair to give “just a reading” and move on. It always turned out to be a full consultation (including follow-ups, etc) for which I charge $50. So I just went with that. 🙂


  113. i have a problem this lady. name rev William s and some one put snakes in my stomach rev William s said no doctor s can see it or no medicine can help it so how to get rid of them and no come back to me every again please help me and the snake s make me sick what I eat after come back up when I have a man in my live and 2 week s he want too be my friend the curse it want me too be by my self unhappy and have no one be sad too no have antythings in my live it happen a long time ago be lonely too


  114. What does it mean when getting an egg cleaning ritual your egg almost falls and the person doing the ritual gets really shock and says something in Spanish that I didn’t understand. ( I don’t know spanish) and before they did the ritual I had a strong feeling the egg was going to slip off his hands and almost fall. Need to know asap


  115. I had the egg cleansing few days I ago and I still surprise at it, I didn’t expect to see something like it. I was wondering if you have seen something at least similar to this?

    After the cleaning this person ask me to crush the egg wich was wrapped in a white cloth, after crushing it I open the cloth and there was something wich appear to be “a piece of flesh (almost as big as the yolk)wrapped in something black, like hair”. There was no bad smell at all, just normal egg.


  116. I did an egg cleansing again. This time I had 6 bubbles on top, I had one web going down from the yoke and the yoke was yellow and round. Floating on top but what was funny below the yoke it looked like I was cooking an over easy egg. The white was below the yoke aimed downward. Any idea of meaning


  117. Hi I did a cleansing with a Brown egg and the yolk had a white string and a ball at the end of the string attached to the yolk. Do you know what this could mean?


  118. i had three white dots appear with bubbles on top. what do the white dots mean? its like the egg was cooking but only formed (3 eyes)


  119. Please does anyone know how to read the egg yolk after cleansing. I would like to send you a picture of my egg.
    I need an honest reading




  121. There was a worm tree looking thing in mines what does that mean?


  122. my brother in law was taken to a santero , he threw up balls of snake meat, before this he was acting weird for a month, doenst remember those days, kept talking to himself. what is this ? he seems to be going back to normal, can this affect ANY one else or was this something that was done to him ? he didn’t want to mirror the person or im just wondering I have a baby and just worried if I should have her around


  123. I just did a egg cleansing add the egg yolk formed another small one connected to it right beside it and a bubble circle on top of it. In the middle of the both


  124. I had did a cleansing on me when i cracked the egg the color of the water because looking like the water from a fish tank when you dont change it for a long time to the point were you can kind of see the egg but when i looked more into the egg i see a hair strand what does it mean?


  125. what does it mean when the water from a fresh egg turns light green. the egg is on the bottom and the egg yolk is around the sides, mostly one side. the color is my main question. would you know what that means. hope you can help, thanks either way! 🙂


  126. I did a cleanse today and the yolk had a woman (because of the feminine face and hair) but on top of the women was a wolf like web above it. It was in the middle floating. Is this normal? Nothing to worry about?


  127. What does it mean when every cleansing person turns me away and says they can not help me even just by looking at me???


  128. What if a white part goes up and the are little bubbles and pain in my back when I do the cleansing


  129. hello
    i did a cleansing and the egg was a double yolk . there is a high arch that conects the edges of the two yolks. a lot of bubbly froth on the top.
    is it for both me and my partner? i dont know how to interpret thw double yolk. thank you. excellent blog!


  130. hello
    what does it mean to have a double yolk egg ?


  131. I just did my first egg divination and don’t know how to interpret these globs and floaty stuff rising up. After sitting a couple hours, I even see what looks like the letter R in the white webbing. There is a white glob at the bottom of the yolk that looks like a little eye, and these growths on the yolk too, overlapping.


  132. Not sure if this also works on babies
    But my mom did this egg cleansing on him and not sure what it means can I send you a picture ?


  133. I did a cleansing with an egg with a lady and when the egg was cracked there were 7 worms or magets what does this mean ?


  134. Hi, I did an egg cleansing last night ans then cracked it into a glass of water, I read somewhere to place it under the bed to absorb more negative energy as I slept from dream aura etc , When work up this morning the yoke was at the bottom the water was clear no smell, a thin long web. formed in the middle of the water – almost reaching out ( upwards) towards me, with bubbles at the top. I flushed it down the toilet with salt. I felt sleepy after that and decided to sleep for an hour – I had strange dreams – I dream a young girl submerged in my bathtub, the water was clear then something drew my attention to look at her stomach, it pointed out a yellow light and arrow on her stomach – she had given birth, the fetus was out of her and still in the sack, submerged in the water. Then the fetus came alive and reached out to get my attention by pointing and poking the girl’s face to indicate was she was dead. I’m not sure what all this means – it was so real. I did do the egg cleansing inside my tub after cleaning it and showing.


    • Hmmm. Not a good idea to leave trash cans under the bed. Lol. Better get rid of an egg you have used for a reading fast.

      On the dream…it appears that someone who has been delaying your blessing has just given it up. Lucky you …I will say


  135. what do we do with the holy water and temporary alter?


  136. Hi , I just had an egg cleansing, I was told to keep it under my bed more or 3 days. I had it wrapped in a white handkerchief inside a paperbag. Once it was cracked it actually had some kind of a baby animal, and the yellow yoke was still there, what can that mean? is that possible?


    • Did you crack the egg yourself at home, or did you have to take it back to the person to crack it for you? Was the baby animal anything other than a chicken (or whatever the egg was from)?


  137. My in-law did a cleansing on me today and mines came out cloudy with two red dots on the yolk. What should I do next?


  138. I was wonder if this works to give me a reading to why i’m not getting pregnant?


  139. why doe


  140. Hello, my name is Nadia. I’m Mexican and within the past year a lot of bad things have been happening to me and my family. I began suffering panic attacks and anxiety over all else. I got into a car accident and decided enough was enough. I had my mom perform le limpia for me. The first night my egg smelts like wet dog and slight blood. Automatically white pins to the top, bubbles, a slender circle in my yolk. Completely cooked by the next morning. I had her do it again for me today and a hair appeared in my egg and a piece of green spice? Looked like a small piece of broccoli. And my egg was cooked again within minutes but looked cooked in minutes as mine did the next day from the night before. Smelt again and a lot of white pins going to the top. I took photos of my egg. Should I keep doing la limpia until my egg is clear? Has someone cursed me? Is it bad energy following me?


  141. Hi so my boyfriend just passed away three days ago and I was venting to my friend how he told Me that I was pregnant, now he only had this feeling twice before and that was with his two kids, so if I wasn’t pregnant I wouldn’t know what else to do; she did an egg and the yolk had, what looked like, an umbilical cord with a baby attached in a water bag to it… What does this mean?


    Jessica Escalante
  142. Hi what does it mean when a black worm is inside the egg? There appeared to be slime as well but no bubbles


  143. What about a black mass, like a large ball of hair and white webbing around it. I cracked my egg and it had a black ball similar to a hair ball and white webbing surrounding it.


    • Wow I’d like to see pics of that! 😦 But, again, if you mean actual black hair – then, no, that would have been a trick. *Any* foreign object inside an apparently unbroken egg is either a scam or a world-shaking miracle. The odds are in favor of the scam, I’m afraid.


  144. What does itean if there is a black dot in the middle of it and then where the black dot was it’s cooked ???


  145. My sister did the egg cleansing in me and 7 bubbles with 7 strings popped up but with a black dot in the middle of the egg then we looked again and where the black dot was it was cooked ??


  146. I’ve done an egg cleaning 12 days in a row. Everyday there has been ugly white webbing and little bubbles all over the egg. I’ve been to the doctor because I’ve been having HORRIBLE stomach pains and after a colonoscopy they said nothing was wrong. Any ideas? Just so you know, I started this process because 2 different elderly women (who do not know each other) contacted me within 2 days and said that there is someone who doesn’t want me to get pregnant and that I needed to be very careful. I’ve been sick for 5 months. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.


    Brittney Longoria
  147. What does a white spot on the Yolk mean and like a big white ball beside the yolk??


  148. I did the egg cleanse and it looked like a baby snake


  149. Hi need some information egg broke on carpet while cleansing what does that mean? I put salt,Florida water and reversing soap to clean up mess what else should I do? Also why does it mean if you lost concentration and egg fell out of hand?


    • I will repeat the egg cleansing if I were you. There is still a lot of stuff in you that needs to be taken out. The egg took in so much bad energy that it broke. A bath with ocean water or salted water will bee fine for 7 days. I need not say you pray at the same time.


      Michael Nwafor
  150. My baby was crying non stop for two days straight and that wasn’t normal of her. So I decided to do an egg cleaning. She was crying a lot while I was rubbing the egg on her body and then I noticed that she started to cry less, as soon as I was done I noticed a BIG difference in the way she acted and out of no where the crying stopped. But I need help reading the egg That I cracked into the jar


  151. My egg yolk is covered with a light colored bubble around the yolk what does this mean?


  152. I had an egg cleansing a few years back. I just felt terrible in my life at that time. Anyway I don’t remember the water turning murky or anything like that but the yolk had indentationa all in it. What does that mean? She wanted me to come back in a week for another cleansing but I never did. Now I don’t know where she us at. All I know is she said someone did something bad to me. I sometimes wonder if its the reason I have such bad luck always.


  153. What does it mean when the egg cracks when I break it and poor it in the glass and water turns white


  154. Need help with my egg divination, what I saw was frightening but hopefully it means that something or someone was removed.


  155. I’ve been doing my cleansing and since i began 5 days ago the image of Death and numerous different faces appears everytime i use the egg. Im doing a 9 day cleasing, can you please explain what does this mean?


  156. Hi, I did an egg cleansing on me and my yolk broke and its at the very bottom on the way with white pointing webs going up and one long one touching the the tip on the water and I was wondering what does it mean ?


  157. I found this post a few times and I was trying to find out is there a way to find someone to do the cleanse I seen videos online bit i rather someone with experience to do the cleanse for me


    • Well if you live near Tampa I can help you. 🙂 Outside of that, I don’t know anyone to recommend. The practice is so overflowing with fraud and con-jobs, I’d hate to direct you to anyone I don’t know personally…


  158. I did the egg cleanse last night. I had many streaks of white webbing and bubbles. From what you stated above that something is entrapping you, holding you back and impeding your personal or spiritual progress. How do you rid yourself of something that is entrapping me and impending my spiritual journey?



  159. I did an egg cleansing and in the morning when I checked the egg it had a big bubble over the egg yolk


  160. Someone performed an egg cleansing on me. She passed the egg all over me. However, she did not brake it into a glass of water. Instead she had me wrap the egg on a napkin and passes it through my body then she opened the napkin and smashed the egg on a table and was braking the yolk and began to see blood and black hair. What does that mean?


    • It’s a slight of hand trick. While “passing it through your body”, she actually switched it with an egg she had already prepared.


      • Just wanted to say thank you for your articles and all the info and help that you are providing for people. And you seem very polite and kind answering all these questions that youve already answered in your articles and posts. May abundant blessings be upon you! We are grateful for you! Kind regards


      • Thank you very much, Elizabeth! 🙂


  161. I havent been ablessed to fiND any information on this . But when I did my egg it came out solid black. What does this mean


  162. what does it mean you did egg it covers all white but then it appears show two eyes and nose and mouth only but not a face….. and the other time it showed yellow but only a white dot only what does this mean …



  163. Hello I did a limpia in Mexico. I had a perfect yoke trapped in a huge net/web. She said that there was nothing that she could do that I needed a spiritual healer. My friend had a lot of white bubble and a tornado looking thing on the side of her yoke. Any suggestions? Afterwards we went to the church and I was denied the body of christ.


  164. My egg yoke broke when it hit the bottom and had stringy yoke from top to bottom with lil bubbles


  165. I did the cleansing on myself i took pictures of it there was little bubbles and webs i guess and a little bit of white mesh around the yolk what does yhat mean..


    Jacquelyn Vargas
  166. Hi i did a egg cleansing on myself the yolk was at the bottom but there was white strings and bubbles at the top what does that mean..


  167. Ive done the egg several times with good results on family members for yrs. I am surprised to see the egg in water coated with white shield 3 quarters. The rest underneath is yellow. What does this mean. Tks


  168. Hi, I just did a cleanse with my sister and a ball of hair came out the egg what does it mean? And to get rid i heard we have to pay . as much as the person who did this on us to get fully rid of it. I need anwers thanks youuu!!


    Michelle Noemi Rios
  169. Hi my name is Lety and I had a limpia done to me last night…the water turn very cloudy and I could not see the yolk and it had a bad smell of a rotten egg. I asked my friend if her eggs were any good and she said yes. She had just bought them two days ago and had cooked some that morning for breakfast. She could not explain why it turned out that way but she also felt as if the egg was boiling in her hand while doing the limpia on me. Do you know what it means?


  170. What does it mean if it has a baby chick in it and it was still moving a little bit but has no rotten smell whole egg was full of blood


  171. What if the egg breaks into two


  172. What if the shape of you egg is the shape of an unborn baby. What does it mean? My grandma performed limpia on me with an egg and that is the shape it took. She says she has never seen it before in the whole 85 yrs. She has been around and neither has her 92 yr. Old sister


  173. Hello, this is an interesting form of divination and an informative post. I had this done on me as a teenager by witch that my dad was dating. I had headaches and after this is was alleviated. She said I was protected. That is all I recall from the egg in water. My question is: Is this practice from a particular magical path (like hoodoo) or it is more of a universal way of fortune-telling? This woman was Mexican, so I assumed it was part of a practice in Mexican culture, but I’d like to know more about its origins, if you know, or can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance!


  174. Is this stuff real? My in-laws believe in this and I think its silIy but I dont want to rain on their beliefs or be disrespectful but it just seems so unreal.


    • Yes it is real. But if you don’t practice the arts yourself, it will not likely make a lot of sense to you.


      • Hello are you still doing readings if so where can I send it via PayPal. I am feeling really sick and the past two nights have done it it has been really weird I feel really nautilus also. Please let me know where to send photos and money.


  175. My son’s egg has spider webs with a bubble tip at the top.the yolk has one white dot..with a weird looking smoky tail..what does this mean..


  176. My 1st egg cracked during the cleanse. 2nd Alien Grey looking full body, then 2 separate faces with glaring eyes. The yoke itself was in 3 sections. I am jumped every couple months it seems, full on hi-jacking/possession. We practice this in our house……something jumped me in our sleep & began thinking about making poor choices & self destruction.


  177. I have perdormed this three times. I jave had webbing with bubbles floating to the top. One bubble is black around it.

    While rubbing the egg on my body, my body was coveres with a THICK WHITE FILM. I do not know why this is happening. Also, i felt i was being stragled thru the process and nauseas.Also, I jad scratches all over my body during this procedure
    Have you ever heard of this or experienced this. Please help. Can you engligghten me??



  178. Pingback: What is a Limpa (and what is it NOT?) | Ananael (The Secrets of Wisdom)

  179. I performed an egg cleansing using my beloved Santa Muerte Negra but I am unable to interpret the the results. I took a picture of it but sadly I am unable to post it. I would like to know what it means.


  180. Pingback: Curses - Morino Ravenberg

  181. When I first started doing the egg cleansing I heard a loud crunch noise but egg was still in tack..when I finished and cracked the egg it was very heavy. It made a splash and I felt the weight of it.. The egg itself had a clear layer covering over the yolk . Almost like another yoke and lots of long strings almost going to the top. A few small bubbles and a few big ones. Looking at it from different sides you see different things.. can’t you interpret some of the things I described and what it meant please


  182. I did the ritual cleansing an the egg is still round an slight bubbles rising to the top five or so i did take a picture for some time now i have been having bad luck an i felt heat from the bottoms of my feet could u interpret my egg please


  183. I had a cord many strings hanging off the cord attachments pointy triangle shapes with bubbles at tops


  184. Hello I got a streak of blood really red and some of the egg white was slightly red. I have been doing cleansing of my home and my body but I would like to send a picture but unable. Does this mean I have to continue with cleansing or should I use the mirror and black salt?


  185. I did a limpia tonight because my life is falling apart and it looked like La Muerte is standing on my egg. It was speckled with red dots, you could literally see a robe, and that stick thing for cropping, and the bubble on the top (the head) grew, it looked very scary. What does this mean!?


    Michelle Tijerina
  186. My friend did this egg cleaning on me and when she cracked the egg two yolks came out, what does that mean?

    Liked by 1 person

  187. Hello and thank you for sharing. Ive done a couple of cleansing for friends and have actually shape shifted into demons.


  188. I’m 7 months pregnant now. Can i still do an egg cleansing? Is it safe for the baby inside my womb?


  189. Hello, I would like to tell you about my limpia. I suffer from migraine headaches but I had been years that I had not gotten a debilitating headache like today. My mother has always taught me about limpias so after taking 3 ibuprofen tabs and no relief I got an egg and did a limpia. Well the first egg got very shiny and warm. So I got a second egg ,since the coldness felt good on my forehead, and did a second limpia. The second eggs shell changed shape. It had linear lumps all over. I had never seen anything like it so I asked my mom what that meant. She in her 72 years of life had also not seen Anything like that. I did not crack it since my head had been throbbing and I could not function. But have you seen that happen before?


    Clarissa Hernandez
  190. What does it mean if a yolk has a little white mesh ball attached to it


  191. My cousin was doing a egg cleanse after something happened to her knee after she woke up and as soon as the egg passedtthe knee it exploded what does that mean ?


  192. What does it mean when the yolk is at the bottom but the clear rises up and creates at large bubble at the surface?


  193. I know this is a old posting, but can I send you pictures of my egg after the cleansing? I am a bit worried, if you could be so kind and send me your information so I could pay you through pay pal. Thank you


  194. I did a egg cleanse and it has like a bit of grayish up at the top pointing down on the left side and a few small bubbles on at the very top.


  195. They say it’s not good to do it when your pregnant is it too


    • Can’t say I’ve ever heard that one! 🙂


      • Hi, went to a psychic and she did a root cleanse, she made me pu t18 hundred dollar bills and an egg under my bed and today she performed some kind of rituals and when she broke the egg, a snake came out of it. Is it for real or she tried to make me scared ?

        Before the rituals, she said that she is in touch with a spirit and she asked whatever the spitit asks fir if im willing to do, and I said yes ! But then after the ritual she said she got to go to church and bury the $1800 and the snake so that the snake (evil) doesnt hurt anybody else ! But I explained it to her that money was not really my money and she tore some of the bills and said to put the torn one on the snake and she will bury it in the church…

        I am so confused and she made me scared at the same time and Im still afraid what if something bad happen..please guide for advice


      • Hi Jenna. I’m very sorry to tell you, but that psychic is a fraud. The snake coming out of the egg was slight of hand. And she NEVER intended to bury that $1800 in a church nor did she EVER intend to do any work for you. She intended to take that money for herself. I promise you, there is NO spell of any kind that requires handing hundreds or thousands of dollars over to be buried to take ANY part in a spell of any kind.

        If a worker wants to charge you $1800 for their services, and you agree to pay it, that’s one thing. But when they tell you they’re going to use the money in the spell, bury it, burn it, etc, etc, etc – it is ALWAYS A lie. Walk away from this person and NEVER contact them again.


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