Aaron Leitch at FPG Samhain 2015 for a Live Solomonic Ritual!   1 comment

Greetings festival goers!

It’s Samhain time again!  (YAY!)  And I’ll be appearing at the upcoming Florida Pagan Gathering during the first week of November:



November 4 – 8, 2015

Click here for FPG registration info.


Solomonic Ritual: Invocation of the Elementals

If you missed out the last time we performed this ritual, me and my wife Carrie will be performing a Solomonic invocation of the Elementals:


For the past one hundred years, the Solomonic grimoires have been conflated with later lodge systems like the Golden Dawn and Thelema, and are therefore often classified as “ceremonial magick.”  However, as outlined in Aaron Leitch’s Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires, the magick of the grimoires is much more akin to sorcery, shamanism or folk magick.  If you are Pagan, you might be surprised by how familiar a Solomonic ritual will feel.And now you have a rare opportunity to witness (or participate in) such a ritual for yourself!  FPG has invited grimoire masters Aaron Leitch and Carrie Mikell to perform a Solomonic Invocation of the Elementals.

This is a Goetic ritual:  we will be invoking the presence of the four classes of Elemental spirits (Salamanders, Undines, Sylphs and Gnomes) through the authority of the four Kings of the compass points: Oriens, Paimon, Amaymon and Ariton.  They will be invited to partake of four Elemental offerings and in return will be asked to protect the festival grounds and guide all attendees in their own personal spiritual journeys.

While this will not be a full “evocation to visible appearance”, the spirits very likely will make their presence known to those who are sensitive enough to see or hear them.  Therefore we will be inviting any and all skryers to attend and participate in the invocations.  Also, ALL who attend will be welcome to write their own private petitions to the spirits.


Lecture:  The Lost Secrets of Western Magick Revealed

Have you ever noticed the distinct separation between modern Western occultism (i.e. Wicca, Thelema, Golden Dawn, Theosophy, the New Age, etc.) and the indigenous occultism practiced by the rest of the world? Our techniques are different in fundamental ways, and (historically) both sides have suffered from various amounts of disdain for one another.  Non-Western conjurers and shamans often describe our magick as more fantasy than reality.

This is because, during the Renaissance and the following Age of Enlightenment, the West left “superstition” behind and decided that everything could be viewed through the lens of science and psychology. Consequently, that is what their magick became, and it is why to this very day Western systems are accused of being “purely mental.”

Of course, Western magick is hardly completely ineffective. That is merely a negative stereotype. But we can still learn new (or, better, re-learn very ancient) techniques to make our magick even stronger.  So, if you are struggling with your magick and would like to know why you aren’t achieving the results you desire, or you simply want better results than you’ve attained in the past, or even if you are simply always seeking to expand your practice with powerful techniques that really work — then this is the lecture for you.

Bring your questions, as this will be an open discussion!


Lecture: Satan, Demons and Hell – Why Are They in the Grimoires?

For hundreds of years, the Western grimoires have been decried as evil texts full of appeals to Satanic entities, by which magicians sell their souls to the Great Enemy in return for temporary wealth or power here on Earth.  In recent decades, these texts have re-emerged into our culture – this time viewed in a more egalitarian light.  After all, there are grimoires full of angels and nature spirits who have no connection to the infernal realm.  There is really nothing “Satanic” about these books.  However…

While it is true most of this negative reputation is thanks to aggressive anti-occult propaganda from the Church, the grimoires themselves must bear some of the blame.  While there are plenty of angelic grimoires out there, it cannot be denied there are countless examples of grimoires that really do call upon Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, Belial, Asmodeus, Baal, Lilith and hundreds (maybe thousands) of other denizens of hell.  This made it very easy for the Church to hold the texts up as proof that they are, in fact, devilish at heart.

Yet the European medieval/renaissance grimoires were primarily produced by devout Christians.  The image of the de-frocked priest performing Satanic Masses behind closed doors is not only the stuff of urban legend, but nothing remotely like it appears in the grimoires. Even the spells that call exclusively upon the rulers of Hell still make prayers and appeals to the Highest God to accomplish their goals.  So these people weren’t Satan worshippers or even demonolaters – but that leaves us to question:  why in the world would devout Christian mystics even include Satan or anything hellish in their grimoires?  And, of course, what does that mean for those of us using the same texts today?

You might find the answer surprising – but more importantly you will see how the answer is vital to the Western mysteries, and to all of us attempting to revive the Old Magick in the modern world.  This lecture might just change how you think magick works!


Click here for FPG registration info.


Elementals - Salamanders








Posted October 16, 2015 by kheph777 in events, solomonic

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  1. Pingback: Satan and Paganism – Should Wicca Go To Hell?

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