A Warning about Limpias (Egg Cleansings)   56 comments

Greetings, seekers!

Without a doubt, the single most popular post on this blog has been my instructions for performing a Limpia (aka, “Egg Cleansing”).  Not only does that post have the most views, but keywords like “egg cleansing” and “limpia” are the most-used search terms that lead people to my blog.

The post also has the most comments.  Most of them are from folks who have performed the cleansing upon themselves, and want me to interpret the results.  At first I was happy to olidge.  However, I soon became overrun with requests for readings, and had to stem the flow by requiring a small fee for the service.  (It’s only $10, but it has stopped most of the unsolicited requests.)

The rest of the comments on that post come from those who have paid others to do a Limpia upon them, only to find some kind of horrific object inside the egg.  They are told this indicates a curse has been placed upon them, and that it can be removed – at an exorbitant cost to the client.

The ones who post in my comments are the lucky ones.  They bring the results of the reading to me because they have begun to suspect they are being defrauded.  Thy want to know if, for instance, iron shavings can really turn up inside a chicken egg.  (No, they cannot.)  These people come to me after losing only a few, or a few hundred, dollars.  But this seems to go on a lot out in the world – and some folks will hand over thousands of dollars to such a charlatan before they wake up (or merely run our of money) with nothing at all to show for their sacrifice.

Folks, if you ever pay someone to do a Limpia on you, and they find some kind of foreign object inside the shell, it is a scam.  The worst you should ever find in there is some blood spots, maybe some black material if the egg has begun to rot, or even an embryonic chicken. There can bubbles, discoloration, streaks of white, or a bad smell.  All of these things can be found quite naturally in the egg – and THAT is what you are trying to read.

But anything else:  iron shavings, dirt, hair, stones, other animals, bones, glass, copious amounts of blood or black liquid, feathers, etc, etc, etc, – all of these things are stage-tricks meant to convince you to cough up cash.

Charlatans that work this way can either use sleight-of-hand to make it appear the object came from the egg, or they simply poked a small hole in the egg-shell, inserted the object, and sealed the shell with white wax.  (These are old tricks – and I know them because I was once a close-up stage magician.)

If you see anything like that, the person doing it is a fraud.  Simply walk away and don’t look back.

Posted May 14, 2014 by kheph777 in hoodoo / witchcraft, magick

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56 responses to “A Warning about Limpias (Egg Cleansings)

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  1. Pingback: Egg Cleansing Technique (Limpia) | Ananael (The Secrets of Wisdom)

  2. I just had an interesting comment on thie post from Jason Miller on my Facebook page. I’m sure he won’t mind if I share it here as well, along with my reply. Thanks, Jason! 🙂

    Jason Miller: YES YES! Strangely I know of a Nepalese Shaman who does this, but rather than doing it to milk more money out of people, he does it to create more faith in the recipient that something HAS been removed.

    I know two people and read one article by someone that was healed by this man, and while all three saw through the parlor trick, all three also report genuine alleviation of symptoms. Strangeness.


    • Jason made a great point there, which is why I wanted to share it here. So here is my reply from Facebook:

      Aaron Leitch: Jason, now you’re getting into the area of fakirism. That was a practice that we would call “fraud” today, but it was once (and in some areas still remains) an integral and respected part of shamanic traditions. (Like Moses turning his rod into a serpent. Or Elijah’s altar bursting into flame. Or Indian holy men that walk across hot coals, pierce themselves with needles, etc. Or Tibetan wizards that “leveitate” for witnesses, if the witnesses come to the Temple and stand in a pre-approved location. lol)

      There was a time (not so long ago) where a shaman had to *prove* his power by appearing to perform actual miracles. (Like turning water into wine, or producing endless bread and fish out of a basket. Or appearing to thrust your hands into a patient’s body and pull out “cancer itssue.”)

      But these tricks were done, like in your example, to strike awe into the witnesses or client and engender faith in the power of the healer. Your Nepalese Shaman is doing it old-school. 🙂

      What we now call “stage magic” and “sleight-of-hand” actually evolved out of that practice.


      • I think it’s still somewhat of a colonialist reading to interpret that a shaman (in the case of actual shamans, not frauds) is doing this to prove his power out of ego. I’m sure that also happens, but in an indigenous healing context, great pains are taken to increase the placebo effect rather than curtail it like in a western medical context. If it works, why hinder it, unless you are approaching healing as a scientific materialist statistics game rather than worrying about increasing the chances as much as possible that the client will heal.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Actually that is pretty much exactly what we are saying, too. 🙂


    • Thank you! I paid $150 to a woman to do a limpia on me (on top of a tarot reading that cost $35), and I noticed there was some dark stuff on the egg after I stomped and the lady saw everything. They covered it quickly and I was told my ancestors probably did black magic and because of it I had bad luck in love and finances (except for a bankruptcy I’m filing, my finances are pretty stable) and they wanted me to pay for a full package of meditation and prayers and who knows what else for thousands of dollars (which obviously I don’t have). They insist they want to help me, but I think they want to help themselves to my money, and now I’m afraid of what they could do against me.


      • Honestly the best thing you can do is walk away. Don’t even confront them and give them a chance to threaten you. Just walk away and get on with life. 🙂


  3. Put something scary in the egg and claim it is a sign of a curse and charge huge amounts to remove it….bloody genius! I know how I’m paying my bills this month LOL kidding of course.

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  4. I have been taught that an egg cleansing is just that – a cleansing in _itself_ – and not a diagnostic tool. It is supposed to be repeated over nine days, and in the end your eggs should be “clean”, having absorbed the problem. The reading is only to see what could have caused whatever it was you let the eggs absorb. Only in rare cases must stronger measures be taken.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. I haven’t done one over a nine day period. But when one comes up “dirty” I do repeat the process until they start coming up clean.


    • So howbdo you know when the person is real or if it’s staged


      • Finding a curse right away is always a red flag. (They ALWAYS find a curse. Always.) But, of course, that doesn’t mean an honest reader won’t find something like that too. Just look for the usual pattern: pay for cleansing/reading, find something wrong, ask for more money, what they do changes nothing, discover its because you need more work, ask for even more money, and on and on and on.

        If it feels like things are developing that way, get out of there. And keep this in mind: If you were to pay a legit worker for a consult, then for a talisman, and THEN for a ritual to consecrate it AND even an evocation of an angel, you would STILL not pay more than $1000. So when someone starts asking for thousands – get out!


  5. Hi,

    I guess I read this kinda late? I had one of these done yesterday and the lady first charged me (to see who put the curse on me) $90, $10 per candle. Then she told me to buy some eggs and some paper towel and she did the limpia and there was this stringy strand-like substance and a little blood in it. It was freaky. She said it was $710 to bury it and I gave her $300 and she said I can pay the $410 next month or over time IF I see a change in my luck, love and health for the better. She said the $710 was for a burial and she has to buy a little coffin, a plot of land and a tombstone. Do you think she was scamming me? I mean if she really removed something non beneficial to me then I’m grateful and I will consider it money well spent. But if not I would like to know. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.


  6. What if worms are found in the egg and it was MY egg that i brought? How can that be a scam???


    • Because the person doing the cleansing used sleight-of-hand to make it appear the worms came from the egg. In fact they were “palming” the worms out of your view until the egg was broken.


  7. My mother’s ex ran two different eggs over her body because he told her that people where talking about her and she is a Christian. He had did so many things but she couldn’t leave him. He talked to spirts, admitted he was going to hell broke coconuts around the house and had plastic baggies of water hanging outside every where. Her memory started going soon after. That was 4 years ago. I finally told her if she did not leave him she would never see her grandchildren. So June 21st we moved back to alabama from Florida. He’s puertorican and and I truly believe he practice’s dark santeria. He just showed up at our house about 3 weeks ago and she almost left with him. The first egg was normal that he cracked but the second had a long string hanging from it. The dr. Can’t find anything wrong with her brain. Day by day she gets worse. Please tell me something. Please


    • Hi I actually went through something similar I think some voodoo was done or a hex please let me know if she’s better now.


  8. I recently went to someone that did a cleanse with eggs. She first gave me a bag to put my name on it and said it was protection she put a liquid and sprinkles dollars and dirt and an amulet and thn she made me put quarters in rice and then she made do an egg cleanse and after i did that i put the eggs under my bed and then i took them to her the next day. She said a prayer over them and thn i cracked them they were in a white shirt and dirt was inside and little snakes swimming around and then she told me i was clean and told me to put all over the house with this black cirlcle thing blessing the house and thn she told me to put oranges in my hair and coffee and to take a shower with dirt and all of this has cost me 1600 i am afraid i dont know what is real anymore what should i do?


    • Nuris,

      Ok, there is no question that sleight-of-hand was used to put the dirt and little snakes into the shirt with the broken eggs. But that all alone doesn’t mean you were ripped off. If the person did a sincere cleansing on you, despite any showy flairs, it can still be beneficial for you. It *could* be that you simply paid top-dollar for the service. Personally I wouldn’t charge so much, but there are many that do.

      The real problem arises when the person uses the dirt and snake trick to frighten you – telling you that you must come back again for another $1600, then another, then $3000, then $6000, then… insisting that you are in dire danger if you don’t comply. This type will even go so far as to threaten to curse you themselves if you stop paying.

      So – did this person tell you that you are clean and all is well? Or are they trying to shock you into coming back for more?


      • Yes the person said i had to go to macys and get a jean paul perfume so she can fix it for me, but she did say that after the eggs were cracked and all tht came out that i was clean and she did tell me aswell to quarters inside a plate with salt and a little bag and write my name on the bag


      • Well it is worrying that she wanted you to go purchase something else and bring it back to her for more work. The *proper* way to go about a cleansing is to do the cleansing and then wait a while to see if it has the intended effect. The client should only come back if HE feels more work is needed.

        My advice is to just walk away from this person now. Don’t contact them, don’t respond to them. See if they get pushy or hostile. Then you’ll know for sure. But basically walk away and see how things go for now. 🙂


      • Okay thank you . What shall i do with rice and quarters or the little bag i have in my purse?


      • To be honest I’m not sure what purpose that little bag was to have. Perhaps it was intended to draw money to you?


  9. Well I ran into big problem with psychic so make it short! My sister in law 18yr old fell in love with a older guy 35-38yrs old and he is not good looking but she is very beautiful! We went to psychic with my wife and smaller sister in law 16yr the lady told us 18yr old has a curse to make her love him etc… I did 6 eggs and 16yr did 2 eggs which was all performed by her and by us! We would always buy eggs from the store and bring to the lady put it by us She would tell us choose an egg and why u chose that one etc… But before all the procedure she would go clean her hands and etc… Comeback and we would perform the egg and pray she would pray and touch the egg to our body making it like a cross than she would place the egg inside the white bag a store now when we buy eggs! All the time all of us would have eyes closed cause of praying hard and crying than she says come forward straight and break the egg with steeping on it and we still would have eyes clothed until she said we got it and we would open eyes and would be black thing looks like hair or cotton inside the egg she said we will send that in a tomb or something to Jerusalem! So far we did 8 eggs total of all we would pay money for each egg like $3-4k which is a lot now I’m in debt $36k I did one of those eggs and was a lot of black stuff and blood around it she said its Jesus gave us blood! Within 2 months period we did all that and plus more she saw snakes are comming when she works with candles at the church and candles are from Jerusalem she says!! She said she had one snake around her they removed it and her friend had one next time inside the etc… Than 3rd snake she said appeared around the candle and her friend brought the snake we cut in half and was still alive than we burned it in forest! Now I txted her today she said another snake appeared around our candles and she explain us everything! Hmm I’m in huge debt and I don’t make a lot of money most of the money was loans!! Honestly don’t know what to do and we are already suspecting her of being a scam we trying to get her lies slowly and we will leave! I’m scared because I don’t want her to do anything bad to our family’s or even us she says she works with God and does only good to ppl! Honestly I don’t care she can keep that money I don’t want it back but she keep on saying don’t worry the 18yr is comming back home etc… Please help if anyone can direct me to someone etc…

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I have been going rheough alot of problems this month with my family and husband. I believe its being caused by my parwnta neighbor since she practices black magic. We have gotten into various accidents, family fights and alot of more things have happened. Can this be caused by her or is it that im just so fed up with this lady?


  11. Hi Aaron, u need your help badly please. I have an ex girlfriend, that keeps coming in and out of my life. This has caused me to consult physics one last year 2015 about may she then said I had a family curse. And wanted me to fork out over $3000 which of that I only ended giving her about $600. Bit then i felt is twas a scam and stopped going to see her or give her any money. This year 2016 I still have the same issues with my ex (this has been going on for abut 1 and a half now). So I came t to see a fortune teller as well and she said she was only gonna charge me $300 and that was it. But then she told me to out an egg inside my right shoe and leave it overnight. She also tolde to put $180 in an envelope and leave it overnight, which I did. When I came and saw her today and she cracked the egg that I had wrapped in a white hanker chief and put in my shoe overnight. The egg which she cracked on the hanker chief after rubbing all over my body had hair inside it. Was this staged or trickery even though I brought the egg from my own house? Now she claims she needsaid $20 for every year of my life. I am 40 years old so she needs an additional $3820!!! Which she claims will be on an altar and will give me back guaranteed the total which equal to $4000 back. Is this a scam?? Please help….I do feel like I have some bad luck but I don’t even have that kind of money and am gonna have to borrow it or get a loan.


  12. its amazing to read so many stories of scam artists. word of advice NEVER give your name and address and other info to the people that do anything that they charge you for. give your first name , thats all. they dont need any other info and if they insist just walk away. plus never pay more than a regular healing like a massage. its a scam.


  13. Hi my name is Patty, I have a question. I just cleaned myself with an egg like my abue taught me. It was the weirdest thing. The white part was as I could only describe like a plastic bag. Yes, that thick and sealed. It made a long huge bubble attached to the yolk that stood on the bottom of the glass. My abue cleaned me as a child for migraines. I use it for that and other types of pain. I live with severe at times chronic pain. It’s only when I know the egg is just what I need that I do my cleaning. Its amazing how well it works. What do your think this cleaning meant?
    Thank you.


  14. Thsnk you.


  15. Hi

    a friend of mine did a limpia which was suggested by a women with the nick Missy on the site Etsy, she told him to say a prayer while rubbing the egg all over his body in a downward fashion from head to toe then crack it open and put it under his bed, after 13 times and 13 days, later he told showed me emails where he was under the impression her reading over the phone was 45 dollar, but her own website suggested 145 dollars for live readings and other prices for pre recorded readings etc, he said he had in the past purchased work from her, objects like seals or medallions for protection and her work was very well done, sort of like paying someone to prepare your candles according to books and rules of laws,

    his limpia results showed every thing day to day from black or red spots, to web like egg streaks, to bumps that made the yoke look like a huge niple, also some eggs broke before he finished etc so she told him to book another reading (150 dollars) to interpret the eggs and also read the last eggs for details, whats strange is that he got a new set of eggs and they turned out to show clear yokes, now he thinks eggs show strange things when you leave them out fo the frig or they are sitting around for a long time… is it possible that people are reading eggs themselves and they do NOTHING at all? i ask because this person got new eggs, he also experimented with them by putting them in hot water before breaking them which showed more whites, although putting them under the bed over night did give them time to restore the luke warm state leaving them yellow again… so in fact the eggs certainly are effected by the temperature more then someones aura if this is the case, i think my friend paid lots of money to only hex himself according to this womens work but i could be wrong, can you tell me what your results have been with eggs themselves?


    • An egg cleansing is simply a modern, and more humane, version of the far more ancient technique of using a live animal to cleanse yourself. The way it was shown to me, a bird was taken and held so its wings were free to flap as it was passed all over/around the person’s body. The bird was then released, with the understanding that it would have taken negative energies and magick out of the person and fly away with them – presumably to eventually die. It wasn’t mentioned to me at the time, but I suspect something similar was done in the ancient Temples – with the bird being left at the Temple as an offering. (There was also the famous “scape-goat” that took on all the sins of Israel and was released into the desert to die.)

      In the Limpia, the egg is simply an analog to that bird (or goat or whatever). It is a living biological material that can, to some degree, absorb energies from you. When you crack it open, it is a divination. There are certain things you might see when you crack and egg into water – how it floats or sinks, bubbles, tendrils, blood spots, etc, etc. These are random factors that fall into place – just like Tarot cards are shuffled and fall into place – to give us a reading.

      A Limpia is NOT a magick trick. Nothing is going to “appear” inside the egg because it “passes through your aura.” You are not supposed to find hair and tar and stones inside the egg. They have no divinatory meaning beyond “this reading is a scam” – period.


  16. Hi I’d like some help please ! I’m glad I ran into your sight. I was working with someone for energy cleansing and shifting .. it led to an egg cleansing. I read a psalm and performed the egg cleanse on myself. I wrapped it in white cotton as she said. I then the next day brought it to her in a container. I had the egg with me at all times, I don’t know when she could have switched it out but an object was found in the egg!! It sort of looked like a pit or something hard. Of course she said I have something I need to get rid of. Is this a scam??? But how did she switch out the eggs ?! Or add an object I watched her break the egg! Thank u for ur help!!


  17. Hello I went to get a limpia she told me someone was doing some type of work but idk what to do if to keep on going or its a fraud

    Liked by 1 person

    • Finding a curse right away like that is always a red flag. (They ALWAYS find a curse. Always.) But, of course, that doesn’t mean an honest reader won’t find something like that too. Just look for the usual pattern: pay for cleansing/reading, find something wrong, ask for more money, what they do changes nothing, discover its because you need more work, ask for even more money, and on and on and on.

      If it feels like things are developing that way, get out of there. And keep this in mind: If you were to pay a legit worker for a consult, then for a talisman, and THEN for a ritual to consecrate it AND even an evocation of an angel, you would STILL not pay more than $1000. So when someone starts asking for thousands – get out!

      Liked by 1 person

  18. I went to a lady today gave her 200 and she wants me to bring back 400 more tonight. There was what looked like a chicken bone and black hair in the egg that she broke in a bag I took her

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Pingback: What is a Limpa (and what is it NOT?) | Ananael (The Secrets of Wisdom)

  20. How can Ibupload a pic of my egg limpia result …?


  21. So I’ve been getting cleansed for several months with an egg Limpia. They context of the egg results have been dark in color and rotten. I’ve been paying $200 per cleansing.I lve been doing limpias since July 2018. I realized i was being scammed when the money was being more demanded. I am out of my savings. I had to keep paying for different things. I blocked the person. I feel stupid. I’m going to have this be a lesson learned.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so sorry you experienced this, Josie. And I’m glad you figured out what was going on!


    • I left and I blocked the person from my phone. I’m concerned they try to put a curse on me because I refused to pay them thousands of dollars to “remove the curse” that supposedly my ancestors placed on me. Plus the woman was never empathetic or seemed to ask me any questions, she seemed like she was just after my money.


      • The thing is, a person like that probably wouldn’t get off their ass long enough to cast a curse, if they even know how to do such a thing in the first place. Don’t lose any sleep over it. Or, if you’re really worried, just search this blog for “Mirror Defense Spell” – it’s my go-to for any time a bully needs a smack-down. 🙂


  22. I did a limpia cleansing and upon cracking the egg, I found a not quite fully formed chick! Can you please tell me what that means?

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  23. Omg. I wish I would have spoken with you. This woman has me scared as hell. Did some ritual and found some black thing in the egg and then indicated “they” want to put up a fight meaning dark forces. Is there some way I can contact you ?


  24. I had a question. A santero preformed a limpia on me. He used leaves like a branch of some kind and honey. He put the honey on my stomach and on my uterus. It felt uncomfortable that he stated he needed to clean “down there” with his powers at which time I pulled back and said no. Do Santeros do this type of limpia? Also, I did not feel like a limpia since he tried to massage my neck saying I was tense. and then requested a massage after he was done? is this normal?


    • Never heard of the honey thing before… And someone doing a cleansing like that might *suggest* you get a massage, but not just grab you. And that’s a HUGE NO on asking you to massage him afterward. Run, don’t walk, away from that guy!


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